I know you're not big on birthdays, Tere, but I hardly care. (In the most loving way, of course.) And look how beautiful you are--I at least needed a reason to post some photos.

Birthdays, for me, are such a day of honoring. I've heard a lot of people say the whole, "If you're going to celebrate someone, you should do it on random days. You should appreciate them all the time." Which, while I'm a huge fan of random acts of kindness, but some of us just aren't that amazing in remembering to do so. So, I salute whoever began the celebration of birthdays, because I do, in fact, need that little reminder.
And Teres, you're totally somebody who I wish I remembered to give props a little more often.
The sincerity of your heart inspires me daily, and I could not admire you more for the decisions you have made this past year. You have obviously made such an impact on my life, but especially in the last year, you and Eric have show more love and compassion to our family than most people experience in a lifetime. I could not imagine a better neighbor-friend-cousin-co-parent to do life with.
Plus, look, you're such a winner!

And props to Aunt Nance for birthing my bff.

I know you probably won't eat cake and ice cream today, or even do anything big. But at the very least, I hope you know how birthday-worthy are in my book! Love you, my friend!