Well, our year has been far from ordinary, to say the least. After traveling down to the blazing heat of Oklahoma for beginning of the year; we've already ventured back! In mid-February, we were both offered jobs at a church in Tulsa, OK; Patrick as a media guru and Katy as the children's ministry/office administrator. We were very excited about the adventure and were pleasantly surprised with the change.
Then came August, when we were met with unfortunate news that Patrick's position at the church was eliminated. It came as quite a surprise and after much deliberation, we decided it best for our family to return to Grand Rapids. It was a very hard decision, as we had grown to love our church and friends in Tulsa. Although the transition was bittersweet, we're very happy to call Michigan home again. Plus, we even brought back a new member of the family, our very dapper pup, Horace H. Wimp. (We tend to just call him Horace, although the "Wimp" part ended up suiting him quite well.)
The last few months have been spent getting settled once again. Our dearest friends, Eric and Teresa Johnson, shared their apartment with us while they completely remodeled a beautiful duplex on the NE side of Grand Rapids. We moved in during the beginning of the month, and are so lucky to call them our upstair-neighbors. We're very excited to venture to the farmer's market and all the amazing shops and restaurants over here! While there's plenty of decorating and the like to be done, we're quite happy to be home. Our new address is 715 Atwood St NE Apt 1 Grand Rapids, Mi 49503.
Patrick will be starting school this spring in pursuit of his degree in graphic design. While he enjoyed the video work, he found his great love for design while we were in OK and has decided it's a good venture for him. His beard has come in quite nicely, and his dance moves have never been better. Patrick is currently employed at Celebration Cinema, where we enjoy a bountiful amount of free movies and treats!
Katy is back at Red Lobster on the weekends, and spends the weekdays watching two adorable twin boys! She's still pursuing photography whenever she gets the chance (and a camera to borrow). Next up is starting school again for some night classes--we're thinking a nursing degree is a viable goal. (Her dance moves are shaping up quite nicely, as well.)
It's been quite the year, but we wouldn't have traded it for anything. As wonderfully naive as we were, we are now more than grateful for all that we have learned over this passed year and for
how it has grown us as a couple. God's grace is a beautiful thing.
And we certainly wouldn't have made it without all the great love and support from all of you! We wish you the very merriest Christmas and a new year filled with peace!
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