Being it that I watch cute, little kiddos during the week; sometimes I have to get creative with fun ways to entertain them. I recently was reading that the babies I watch are entering the time where musical instruments are a must. And rather than go out and spend $40 on things they will play with for 10 minute increments; I decided to spend $2 on some cute paper and mod podge the gazillion containers I already have!
So, here are the drums and shakers:
Step one: Always, ALWAYS, start with Mod Podge.
If you're watching hulu on your husband's brand new laptop, be sure and keep your liquids, such as your morning coffee (aka the nectar of life), on the the lower shelf.
Starting containers: three formula canisters, and several jars from the spice rack we never used.
Mod Podge a couple cute pieces of a paper over top...
Add some stickers to enhance the learning experience...
And, voila!
Drums & shakers!
(Be sure and note the fancy drum sticks that may have originated as salad tossers at one point.)
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